Dr. Annalisa Guarini
Dr. Annalisa Guarini is an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology and Education since 2014, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy. Her area of research interest includes: development of language, number and cognitive skills in typical and atypical populations, bullying and cyberbullying phenomena. Annalisa Guarini is involved in European, national and regional projects.
She is co-author of several international articles, chapters in national and international books and she has presented her work in workshops and lectures. Her personal homepage is https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/annalisa.guarini/en. She is the Director of Psychological Service SERES and of Organisational Unit (UOS) Bologna (Department of Psychology). She is delegated by the Department of Psychology for the Joint Research Laboratory ‘Student Wellbeing & Prevention of Violence’ (SWAPv-IT). In the Blurred Lives Project, she is responsible for the recruitment of the Italian schools thanks to the collaboration with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Education, the contact with heads of schools and teachers, and the supervision of implementation of data collection, Focus Groups and Quality Circles.