null Program Open University Research day

Program Open University Research day
The event will take place on March 16 in the Pretoria building at the campus in Heerlen. All those who are interested are welcome during this day, but the main audience will consist of the scientific staff,postdocs, PhD students (internal- and external) and hopefully also regular students.

The program of this day will be mostly in English as research becomes more and more international and we have several international researchers at our university. For those that are more orientated on the Dutch language, some of the presentations will be in Dutch.

10.15 - 10.30 Welcome coffee, tea and cake
10.30 - 10.45 Opening
prof. mr. Anja Oskamp, rector of the OU
10.45 - 12.00 Presentation of the five research programs of our university
(Faculty representatives)
12.00 - 12.15 Participating in the Smart Service Ecosystem
prof. dr. ir. Remko Helms, OU
12.15 - 13.15 Lunch and poster presentations
13.15 - 14.15 Workshop 1 Scientific integrity
Dr. Catherine Bolman

Workshop 2 Open access
Robert van der Vooren MSc, VSNU
14.15 - 15.15 Workshop 3 Open access
Robert van der Vooren Msc, VSNU

Workshop 4 How to obtain external funding?
Ir. Ermo Daniels, UM
15.15 - 15.30 Coffee/ tea break
15.30 - 16.30 Workshop 5 How to obtain external funding?
Ir. Ermo Daniels, UM

Workshop 6 Current research information system
Drs. Lidwien Hollanders, Lilian Vergeldt, Drs. Mir Uiterwijk, UM
16.30 Drinks & closing remarks
prof. mr. Anja Oskamp


The program will start with an introduction by the rector prof. mr. Anja Oskamp and a
presentation of the five research programs by a representative of each discipline, followed
by a presentation by prof. dr. ir. Remko Helms.

Participating in the Smart Service Ecosystem
prof. dr. ir. Remko Helms, OU
The Smart Service Campus Heerlen opened its doors in September 2016. It is now rapidly turning into a hotspot for data analytics, big data and smart services in the region and beyond. Large companies as well as start-ups are finding their way to the campus and open their offices. Open University participates in the BISS research institute residing on our campus. Aim of the BISS institute is to develop talent, co-create smart services with members of the ecosystem and of course doing research. There are many opportunities for OU researchers to participate in the smart service ecosystem and in this presentation we will show you how.
Prof. dr. ir. Remko Helms is professor in Information Systems at Open University and program leader of the Business Intelligence & Smart Services (BISS) institute


After the lunch there will be several workshops during which your contribution is highly valued. You can ask your questions and address practical issues concerning the topics of these workshops.

WORKSHOP 1 Scientific integrity
dr. Catherine Bolman
In de huidige wereld van de wetenschap is er veel discussie over ‘de integriteit van het onderzoek’ en ‘onderzoeksethiek’, met name na een aantal ernstige gevallen van wetenschappelijk wangedrag (bijvoorbeeld plagiaat, vervalsing van gegevens). Maar waar gaat het eigenlijk om bij ‘integer onderzoek’, waarom zouden we ons er zorgen over maken en wat zijn dubieuze onderzoekspraktijken? En hoe kunnen deze worden voorkomen? Bovendien, hoe kunnen we ervoor zorgen dat ons onderzoek ethisch wel verantwoord is? In deze workshop komen deze vragen aan de orde, ook aan de hand van een aantal praktijkvoorbeelden. Tevens wordt aandacht besteed aan de goedkeuringsprocedure (inzake ethische aspecten) van de Open Universiteit met betrekking tot mens-gerelateerd onderzoek.
Catherine Bolman is universitair hoofddocent gezondheidspsychologie bij de faculteit P&OW. Ze verricht onderzoek naar leefstijl en psychosociaal welbevinden bij zowel patiënten als bij gezonde populaties. Het accent ligt op het systematisch ontwikkelen en evalueren van interventies. Daarnaast geeft ze onderwijs, is ze voorzitter van de OU-brede commissie ethische toetsing onderzoek (cETO) en is ze lid van de commissie wetenschappelijke integriteit van de OU.

WORKSHOP 2 & 3 Open access
Robert van der Vooren MSc
Workshop 2 will be in English (Workshop 3 is gelijk aan 2, maar in het Nederlands).
Open access aims at making research that was publicly funded also publicly available online.
Publications via open access are easier to find, more often cited and have a larger impact.
Open access benefits not only science, but also the society and the economy. It creates a society in which also the general practitioner, the starting entrepreneur and teacher can benefit from the most recent scientific findings. In this workshop a short overview will be given of the current situation and the newest developments. The main aim is to enable Dutch affiliated authors to publish open access via the gold route at no extra costs. Link for more information.
Robert van der Vooren (1974) is currently working on three projects for the VSNU. Previously he was interim director of Research and valorization. At the moment his main task is to manage the project stimulating the transition to open access. He is responsible for creating support among stakeholders, strategic negotiation advice, communication and public affairs. He is also managing the research project that maps the impact of Dutch universities and the project on transparency of research budgets.

WORKSHOP 4 & 5 How to obtain external funding?
ir. Ermo Daniels
Workshop 4 will be in English (Workshop 5 is gelijk aan 4, maar in het Nederlands).
During the workshop several questions will be addressed. What do you need to do to obtain a grant, how do you write a good grant proposal, what is needed inside your organisation, how can you improve your personal chances, etc. The workshop will focus on national grants, but as the experience of Ermo is very extensive also questions on all other grants are welcome and the workshop can be adjusted to the needs of the audience.
Ermo Daniels currently works at Maastricht University as an expert on funding and valorisation for the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) and Humanities and Sciences (FHS). He is also a policy advisor for Research and Innovation and he setup and coordinated the Contract Research Centre (CRC) at Maastricht University from 2003 to 2009.

WORKSHOP 6 current research information system
drs. Lidwien Hollanders, Lilian Vergeldt, drs. Mir Uiterwijk
A current research information system (CRIS) is a database to store and manage data about
research conducted at an institution. For these purposes Maastricht University (UM) is using PURE. Pure enables us to build reports for visitations and accreditation purposes and ensures that the data that drives our strategic decisions is trusted, comprehensive and accessible in real time. During the presentation we will walk you through the system, and focus on its main features; improving internal and external visibility; research management and reporting needs. At the end of our talk there is enough room for questions.
Lidwien Hollanders is one of the administrators of PURE at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the UM. She helps researchers getting started; is responsible for validating the registered output and helps to make output visible on the UM website. Lilian Vergeldt is functional manager of Pure, the UM portal Research Publications and Pure repository and Mir Uiterwijk is Coordinator and functional manager of Pure, the UM portal Research Publications and Pure repository.

Registration is closed

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