The 8th Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC '19)
Review Process
The 8th Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC 2019) is reviewed using a double-blind process, managed through EasyChair.
The programme committee consists of one Chair, two Co-Chairs and 40 ordinary PC members who are academics from 35 institutions in 23 countries. Reviewers provide high-quality reviews for submissions to provide authors with feedback so they may improve their work for presentation or future submission. Each paper submission will receive 5 reviews.
All reviews are submitted through EasyChair. All paper submissions are anonymous. Reviewers are anonymous to each other. PC members are expected to declare any conflicts with submitting authors.
Reviewers should carefully read each submission assigned to them and write a constructive review for each submission. Reviewers have an option to provide any details in the confidential comments to the Program Chairs and to engage with the discussion on each paper during a discussion period. During this period you will be able to revise your review based on the discussion, but you are not required to do so.
The Program Chair and Co-Chairs will lead the discussions among the reviewers to reach consensus on a recommendation about whether each paper should be accepted or not. The goal is to reach an agreement on the quality of the submission.
Authors of accepted papers have to include the corrections as stated by the peer reviewers, present the paper at the conference and afterwards prepare the paper for publication taking the discussions held during the conference into account.