CSERC 2019 Submissions
The 8th Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC '19)
Original and unpublished submissions in all areas related to computing education are invited in the following categories:
- Research Paper: Reporting theoretical or theoretically-informed empirical studies undertaken to investigate a specific aspect or address a particular problem in computing education.
- Experience Report: Describing a classroom innovation and an evaluation of its impact.
- Software Report: Describing developed tools for supporting teaching, learning or assessment in computing education.
Types of accepted submissions include:
- Full Paper (approximately 12 pages).
- Practical Report (about 6 pages).
- Poster (2 pages).
Submission Format
Templates for submissions can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings website. Papers can be submitted using EasyChair. Documents proposed for conference presentation should be high quality, unpublished, original work and submitted online. The official language of the conference is English.
*** Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday June 3rd, 2019 ***
*** Paper Submission Deadline: Sunday June 30th 2019 ***
*** Proceedings to be published by ACM ICPS ***