null 2nd edition Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems Symposium

2nd edition Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems Symposium
The Faculty of Management Science and Technology of the Open University of the Netherlands is delighted to announce that the 2nd edition of the Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems (LIRS) symposium will be held from 24-25 October 2019 in Heerlen, the Netherlands. The LIRS symposium integrates diverse perspectives from multiple disciplines, such as management, environmental science, psychology, and computer science to address some of today’s modern global challenges.

Invitation 2nd edition LIRS symposium 

Scientists and practitioners from all disciplines are invited to participate in a lively transdisciplinary debate on how and to what extent innovations and learning processes contribute to the transition towards (more) resilient systems on multiple levels, be it individuals, organizations, cities, or society at large. We welcome empirical, conceptual, and methodological abstracts that contribute to our understanding of innovation and learning for resilience from various angles. Interested participants are encouraged to submit 250-word abstracts by 15 May 2019 to: Authors will be notified by 15 June 2019. 

More information and registration

For more information about the Open University, its research, the programm and the keynote speakers, please visit the conferentiesite.