Theses en Promovendi

Cilliers, J.A. (1999). First year physics practicals in distance education in South Africa. University of South Africa.

Van Bruggen, J. (2003). Explorations in graphical argumentation: The use of external representations in collaborative problem solving. Open University of the Netherlands

Kester, L. (2003). Timing of information presentation and the acquisition of complex skills. Open University of the Netherlands

Kreijns, K. (2004). Sociable CSCL environments: Social affordances, sociability, and social presence. Open University of the Netherlands

Nadolski, R. (2004). Process support for learning tasks in multimedia practicals. Open University of the Netherlands

Beers, P. J. (2005). Negotiating common ground. Tools for multidisciplinary teams. Open University of the Netherlands

Van den Bossche, P. (2006). Minds in teams: The influence of social and cognitive factors on team learning. Maastricht University.

Gulikers, J. (2006). Authenticity is in the eye of the beholder: Beliefs and perceptions of authentic assessment and the influence on student learning. Open University of the Netherlands

Prangsma, M. E. (2007). Multimodal representations in collaborative history learning. Universiteit Utrecht.

Munneke, L. (2008). Arguing to learn: Supporting interactive argumentation through computer-supported collaborative learning. Universiteit Utrecht.

Janssen, J. (2008). Using visualizations to support collaboration and coordination during computer-supported collaborative learning. Universiteit Utrecht.

Baartman, L. (2008). ‘Assessing the assessment’: Development and use of quality criteria for Competence Assessment Programmes. Universiteit Utrecht.

Overdijk, M. (2009). Appropriation and technological artifacts: the student-tool connection. Universiteit Utrecht.

De Westelinck, K. (2009). Generalizability of the design principles for learning materials derived from the “Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning”, Ghent University.

Seezink, A. (2009). The role of learning trajectory supervisors in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Univeristeit Tilburg.

Slof, B. (2010). Embedding external representations in design-based learning. Universiteit Utrecht.

Schaap, H. (2011). Collaborative learning in vocational education (mbo) and the development of professional theories of mbo-students. Universiteit Utrecht.

Noguera, I. (2011). Indicators for teachers to design learning tasks for computer-supported collaborative production of knowledge. Universtitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Phielix, C. (2012). Enhancing collaboration through assessment & reflection. Universiteit Utrecht.

Fransen, J. (2012). Teaming up for learning: Team effectiveness in collaborative learning in higher education. Open University of the Netherlands.

Bezdan, E. (2013). Graphical overviews in hypertext learning environments: When one size does not fit all. Open University of the Netherlands.

Taminiau, B. (2013). Advisory models for on-demand learning. Open University of the Netherlands.

Van Meeuwen, L. (2013). Visual problem solving and self-regulation in training air traffic control. Open University of the Netherlands.

Dirkx, K. (2014). Optimizing adaptive learning through testing, diagnostic reflection and leaner-controlled information selection. Open University of the Netherlands.

Malmberg, J. (2014). Tracing the process of self-regulated learning - Students’ strategic activity in g/nStudy learning environment. University of Oulu, Finland.

De Smet, M. (2014). Writing it right: Effects of electronic outlining on students' argumentative writing. Open University of the Netherlands.

Reed, H. C. (2014). Mathematical thinking, learning and performance: Insights and interventions for primary and secondary education. Free University, Amsterdam.

Näykii, P. (2014). Affective and effective collaborative learning. University of Oulu, Finland.

Van Dijk, M. (2015). Physical activity, cognitive performance and academic achievement in adolescents. Open University of the Netherlands.

Gijselaers, J. (2015). Biological lifestyle factors in adult distance education: Predicting cognitive and learning performance. Open University of the Netherlands.

Dijkstra, E. (2015). Teaching High-Ability Pupils in Early Primary School. Open University of the Netherlands.

Popova, A. (2015). Primer podcasts to enhance learning from lectures. Open University of the Netherlands.

Van der Wal, M. (2015). [Mine] + [Mine] = [Ours]? Model-supported social learning in participatory integrated assessments. Open University of the Netherlands.

Van Herten, M. (2015). Learning communities, informal learning and the humanities: An empirical study of book discussion groups. Open University of the Netherlands.

Geitz, G. (2016). Sustainable Feedback in Higher Education Relation Between and Changeability of Self-Efficacy, Goal Orientation, and Learning Behavior. Open University of the Netherlands.

Van den Bogaart, T. (2016). The assessment and development of Personal Professional Theories in Higher Vocational Education. Open University of the Netherlands.

De Bruyckere, P. (2017). Authenticity lies in the eye of the beholder, Open University of the Netherlands.

Frèrejean, J. (2017). Instruction for information problem solving, Open University of the Netherlands.

Van der Wurff, I. (2018). Fatty acids, cognition, school performance, and mental well-being in children and adolescents, Open University of the Netherlands.

Pijeira-Díaz, H. J. (2019). Electrodermal activity and sympathetic arousal during collaborative learning, University of Oulu, Finland.

Adam Ameir, M. (2019). Supporting teachers’ activating teaching practices in challenging teaching and learning context in Zanzibar public schools, University of Oulu, Finland.

PhD Theses In Progress

Conjaerts, M. (In preparation). What needs to be done to ensure that the healthy primary school of the future, in the Netherlands, will be accepted by all the stakeholders, and made sustainable? Open University of the Netherlands.

Dimitrova, V. (In preparation). The relationship between problem solving and informal learning in the workplace: How does expertise acquisition in Teaching English as a Foreign Language occur? Open University of the Netherlands.

Ince-Favaro, S. (In preparation). Information problem solving and digital literacy skills for graduate students. Open University of the Netherlands.

Neroni, J. (In preparation). ALOUD-Study: Adult Learning Open University Determinants study: Psychological determinants of Lifelong Learning. Open University of the Netherlands.

Heijst, H. (In preparation). Knowledge development in an online learning environment. Open University of the Netherlands.

Surma, T. (In preparation). Understanding and enhancing teacher knowledge of effective learning strategies. Open University of the Netherlands.

Van Iersel, M. (In preparation). Educating on complex care. Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Wopereis, I. (In preparation). Variability of practice as the key to musical creativity. Open University of the Netherlands.