null 5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) technology

5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) technology

  • Contract education
  • 0,2 EC
  • English language
  • No certificate or proof of registration
  • Free of charge
  • Online
  • In cooperation with D2Grids Interreg NWE project
  • Voor dit product gelden ingangseisen
The EU supports the uptake of smart and low-temperature district heating and cooling (DHC) networks to speed up the process of decarbonisation and to achieve a climate-neutral economy by 2050 (European Green Deal). However, designing, planning, and building low-temperature DHC networks is not an easy task. The 5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) is a fundamentally new concept based on a decentralized network allowing direct energy flows among and within buildings, not requiring a central heat plant. To build 5GDHC network, it is important to know its specifications and technological components.
Have you already followed the Introduction course on 5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC)? And are you interested to continue and would like to find out what are the main components of the 5GDHC technology?
D2Grids project is providing such opportunity. Open Universiteit, together with other D2Grids partners (BRGM, VITO, Greenflex, Mijnwater), has developed a second course on 5GDHC with the focus on technology.


The course offers theoretical video lectures spiced up with real examples from the project pilot sites. For enthusiastic and advanced learners, the course provides additional reading materials, developed within the project. The course participants can accomplish assignments to check their understanding of the materials. To share ideas and thoughts, a discussion group is available for the participants.


What will you learn in this training?

In this course you will learn about technological aspects of 5GDHC. This course will take you through the main 5GDHC components, including the sources, thermal storages, drilling aspects, heat pumps, pipes and smart controllers that can be used in 5GDHC.


Duration of the course
It is a self-study course with a lead time of 2-6 hours (1 week).
Online Youlearn environment of Open University


D2Grids is an Interreg North West Europe (NWE) project lasting over 4 years (2018-2023) which aims at increasing the share of RES used for heating & cooling through accelerating the rolling out of 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) concept.




We don't provide a certificate or proof of registration after finishing this free course.


Basic knowledge of district heating concept (DHC) is required.


Sign up
For each registration with the Open University, a participant has to create a username. This also applies to this course. We ask gender, date of birth and place of birth for this registration, because this way we can link the username to a unique person. We have set up this check for every form of enrolment/registration at the Open University. 
Registration is possible by pushing the red button 'Aanmelden' on this page. 
If you don't have an OU account, then first registrate at mijnOU (top right on this page) and create a username (gebruikersnaam) to get a login. Please click on the link to get an English registration manual and guide to change the language in the learning environment yOUlearn.

Bedoeld voor

Who is the training intended for?
This course is ideal for those who would like to:
  • Continue to deepen their knowledge on 5th generation district heating and cooling.

  • Learn about main technological components used to build 5GDHC network.

  • Explore each technological component in more details.

  • Get an overview of pilot sites examples on 5GDHC technology.

The course is aimed at participants from industries, technology suppliers, small and medium-sized enterprises and actors on the energy market, but other participants are also welcome to attend the training.


Registration conditions
Please read our registration conditions (available in English) first.


Price information
This course is free of charge.

Extra informatie


If you would like more information about this specific course, please push the red button 'Contact' on this page.