About the Conference
Bled eConference has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. It attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of digital transformation.
With fresh ideas and complementary themes we would like to establish a creative environment for researchers, government, industry/business representatives and technology providers and an attractive meeting point for discussing new R&D and project ideas, also in the spirit of Horizon 2020.
About Johan Versendaal
Prof. dr. ir. Johan Versendaal studied Computer Science at Delft University of Technology and obtained his PhD in 1991 on design methods and software architectures of interactive information systems. Since October 2008 he has been associated with Hogeschool Utrecht as lecturer Extended Enterprises. Since June 2014 he has also been appointed for five years as extraordinary professor e-business at the Faculty of Management, Science & Technology of the Open University.
For more information go the conference website.