null 4th UN organisation expresses support for the MOOC survey

4th UN organisation expresses support for the MOOC survey

UNITAR is the fourth UN organization that expresses its support of the Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs, see: ! Earlier UNESCO IITE, FAO and ITCILO committed themselves to this first global survey on the quality of open education and Massive Open Online Courses. The survey is organised by the MOOQ project, led by Christian Stracke of the Welten Institute. 

Improvement of quality of MOOCs

The survey gathers experiences of MOOC learners, MOOC designers and MOOC facilitators all over the world with the aim of improving the quality of future MOOCs. This will be done by the development of quality indicators and a quality reference framework with quality indicators and tools for MOOCs. The objectives and constructs of the survey will be presented in an interactive workshop as Action Lab at the International Conference Open Education Global 2017 on 9th of March 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Worldwide support

Not only these 4 UN organisations have expressed their recognition and backing of the survey. Also a number of the foremost international associations and institutions in the field have expressed their support. Among them the International Council for Distance and Open Education (ICDE), Open Education Consortium (OEC), International Community for Open Research and Education (ICORE), Commonwealth of Learning (COL), European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL), Contact North (CN) and many more.

The Global MOOC Survey that is open until end of March 2017. It is accessible online at: All findings from the scientific, independent and non-profit survey will be published and shared online.

More information about MOOQ, the European Alliance for the quality of MOOCs: