Finding solutions together
In the current COVID-19 crisis, the speed with which (eco)systems have to respond is accelerating at an enormous pace. Societies need solutions to urgent problems, as well as creative new services and products that help them recover from their lockdowns. Researchers, care professionals, the manufacturing industry and governments are actively seeking each other out to bring society’s demands together, as they have always done, and are now doing online. To facilitate that process, the Dutch universities, national and regional governments, businesses and many more public and private partners are launching the ResilientSociety platform. Open Universiteit is a proud partner of this platform.
Platform for collaboration
The COVID-19 ResilientSociety platform supports participants with professional online collaboration software and moderators to support effective collaborations while avoiding duplication of efforts. Anyone can join the COVID-19 crisis response by either offering expertise or submitting a challenge for potential solutions. Examples of focus areas are medical equipment, mobility & logistics, food supply and digital security.
A team of experts will evaluate each submission and provide feedback on the next steps. Another option is to join the Resilient Society as a partner to offer your resources (knowledge, production facilities) and participate in co-creation sessions.
If we take action together, we can deliver the best solutions for the benefit of people.
If you have any questions or wish further information about this platform, please contact Mrs. Suzan Becks.
Visit the website
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