null Marcus Specht appointed director of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning

Marcus Specht appointed director of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning
As from September 1st 2018 Professor Marcus Specht has been appointed Scientific Director of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning (CEL). Professor Specht is also appointed Professor for Digital Education at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science of the Technical University Delft. Professor Specht will continue research in the Welten Institute of the Open University in Heerlen, thus ensuring the exchange of academic knowledge between the two institutes. He will also continue as co-coordinator of the Digital Society program line on Digital Education of the VSNU.

Short bio

Since 2008 Marcus Specht (1967) is Professor for Learning Technologies at the Open University of the Netherlands and has been heading the CELSTEC Learning Technology Labs. He is and was involved and leading a variety of national and international research projects on open and competence-based education, learning analytics, intelligent learning support, and mobile and ubiquitous learning.

Marcus received a Diploma in Psychology in 1995 and a Dissertation from the University of Trier in 1998 on adaptive information technology. After a career in industry Marcus was appointed Associated Professor at the Open University in Heerlen in 2005 where he was working on competence-based education, learning content engineering and management, and personalization for learning. Since 2008 Marcus is full Professor for Learning Technologies at the Educational Technology Expertise Centre of the Open University of the Netherlands. From 2014 he was chairing the board of the Welten Institute, Research Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.

Prof. dr. Marcus Specht