null New Investigators Award for Inge van der Wurff

New Investigators Award for Inge van der Wurff
During the ISSFAL conference in Las Vegas Inge van der Wurff, researcher at the Welten Institute, won the New Investigators Award. The goal of this international award is to encourage researchers at the start of their career to attend the meeting, and to recognise and encourage excellence in oral and poster presentations by those investigators.

The effect of omega-3 supplements on cognition with children and adolescents

Inge van der Wurff gave three presentations at the ISSFAL-conference, the yearly conference of the International Society for The Study Of Fatty Acids And Lipids:

  • Effect of omega3 LCPUFA supplementation on cognition in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review with focus on DHA/EPA dose and omega-3 index (poster presentation)
  • Systematic Review of Recruitment, Adherence, and DropOut Rates in Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation Trials in Children and Adolescents (poster presentation)
  • Results of Food2Learn: a doubleblind, randomized, placebo-controlled krill oil supplementation study in adolescents with a low baseline Omega-3 Index (oral presentation.

Dr. Inge van der Wurff