Technology and innovation of learning, teaching and coaching
Technology can have an added value for the innovation of learning and guidance, both in education and in continuous professional development. Technology can enhance the activities of students and those who support the learning processes (e.g. teachers, tutors, mentors, administrative staff). The chair of technology-supported learning and innovation focuses on researching the potential added value that (established and emerging) technology can have for higher (distance) education and lifelong development.
Artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality
New technologies are constantly emerging. Just think of artificial intelligence (AI), wearables, mobile devices, or immersive, multimodal learning environments with AR and VR. An important research question for this chair is: “How can technology contribute to the improvement and innovation of learning and guidance processes in higher (distance) education and for lifelong professional development?” The research of the chair focuses primarily on the education at the faculties and students of the Open University. Learning and support scenarios, tools and learning environments are (re-)designed based on this research. The acquired knowledge and tools find their way into the education of the students of the Open University in general, but certainly also within the Faculty of Educational Sciences, so that they can in turn conduct research into valuable applications of technology in professional practice.
The chair is positioned at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. The chair holder is also
department chair of one of the four departments within this faculty, namely "Leren en innoveren met ICT" (LIICT; Technology-enhanced learning and innovation; TELI).
About Roland Klemke
Roland Klemke (1969) has been working at the Open University since 2008, an appointment he combined with other positions such as teaching Game Design at the Mediadesign Hochschule in Düsseldorf and, in recent years, as professor of Game Informatics at the Cologne Game Lab of TH Köln. Before joining, he worked as a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute and at his own company, Humance AG. At the Open University he was responsible for various national and international research projects. His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Serious Games, Augmented Reality, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Information Systems (Business Informatics), Software Engineering and Human-computer Interaction. Klemke leads the group of Multimodal Learning Experiences within the faculty and has recently successfully completed the European research project WEKIT (Wearable Experience for Knowledge Intensive Training). In this project wearable computing, augmented reality and serious games were applied in the field of transfer of knowledge and experience.