About the conference
The aim of RCIS is to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and to provide opportunities for sharing and disseminating knowledge. RCIS has grown into a renowned congress on research challenges in the information sciences. RCIS 2019 will be organized for the 13th time in a row, from 29-31 May 2019, in Brussels.
Topics of interest
RCIS 2019 will focus, among other things, on the special theme 'Towards a Design Science for Information Systems'. With the advent of ubiquitous computing, modern information systems are designed, developed, used and tested on a very wide range of devices and computer platforms by a diverse population of stakeholders (e.g. analysts, designers, developers, end users) for an ever wider range of tasks performed in different physical and psychological environments, leading to an ever wider range of usage situations. In view of this variety of usage contexts, it is expected that design science will support people in producing information systems better adapted to their needs in interacting with these systems.
This year's RCIS theme aims to explore the role of design science at every stage of the information systems development cycle, including meta-models, models, languages, notations, methods and software tools to support these phases.
About Tanja Vos
The research of prof. dr. Tanja Vos focuses on software quality and testing. She works closely with companies and is actively involved in test technology transfer of research results to the business community via the European Software Testing Innovation Alliance.
Want to know more and register?
More information is available on the conference site.