'Like master like man'
Viewbrics surveys the possibilities of using video modelling examples combined with rubrics for formative assessment of complex skills. To master complex generic skills, it is important to form a concrete and consistent mental model of all constituent sub- skills and mastery levels of a skill. Viewbrics describes the different mastery levels for three generic complex skills: presenting, collaborating and information literacy. This is done in text-based rubrics enhanced with video modelling examples. This way students and teachers can compare student skills with experts and mirror performances against this benchmark. These video rubrics and the technology-enhanced formative assessment methodology were developed and tested in close collaboration with secondary school teachers and pupils, researchers and various domain experts.
The Award
The project was one of three nominees for the yearly Best Research and Practice Project Award*, an award for practitioner researchers in the field of education, learning and instruction, and training and development, which exceptionally contribute to educational practice.
* This link is no longer available.
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Viewbrics 'Like master, like man' from PenOW on Vimeo.