ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributer ID. An ORCID identifier makes it more likely for a researcher that recognition for his/her work is received. It makes submitting a manuscript easier, helps in applying for grants and improves author search results. An ORCID account facilitates the maintenance of the researcher profile in the universities Research Information System.
You get the most out of your account if you fill it with your scientific output. This can be an automatic process, in combination with PURE. ORCID is free, open, non-commercial and community-driven.
The use of ORCID considerably enhances the findability and the visibility of your publications and your research data. It also saves you time. You can create your ORCID by registering at https://orcid.org/register. Additionally, you enter the ORCID ID in your profile in PURE. In the coming weeks you will be invited by the PURE coordinator for a short introduction in PURE. You can ask your questions on your ORCID ID in that session. On the ORCID website you find more video tutorials.
ORCID integration with Pure at the OU
In early 2020 the ORCID integration went live in Pure. This means that you, as researcher, can enter your ORCID ID in Pure and can authorise the export to ORCID. By doing so, an automatic synchronisation is set up which transfers your validated output and profile updates to ORCID. In this way you can benefit in ORCID from the work of the Pure validation team, which carefully verifies bibliographic data, licences, organisational affiliations and open access status.
How does it work?
Our collaborating partner, the University Library Maastricht, has created a simple and clear guide around the linking of ORCID and Pure. View the steps required to create an ORCID ID, and to connect it with Pure. If you have any questions you can always contact the Pure coordinator.
What is ORCID?