
PhD defences 2010

Overview of the PhD defences that have taken place at the Open University of the Netherlands in 2010.

Each entry includes:

  • the date
  • the name of the PhD student
  • the title of the thesis
  • the name of the faculty
  • the name of the supervisor
  • the name of the daily supervisor


  • 17 december 2010
    Henricus G.M. Geraedts
    Titel proefschrift: 'Innovative learning for innovation'
    Buitenpromovendus via faculteit Natuurwetenschappen
    Promotor: prof. dr. M.C.E. van Dam-Mieras
    Co-promotor: mr. H.G. Dix
  • 19 november 2010
    Albert W.T. Kampermann
    Titel proefschrift: 'Competentiemanagement, tussen bevoegdheid en bevlogenheid'
    Faculteit Managementwetenschappen
    Promotores: prof. dr. A.F.A. Korsten en prof. dr. J.T.G. Gerrichhauzen
  • 5 november 2010
    Danny D.N.M. Kostons
    Titel proefschrift: On the role of self-assessment and task-selection skills in self-regulated learning
    Centre for Learning Sciences and Technology (CELSTEC)
    Promotor: prof. dr. H.P.A. Boshuizen
    Co-promotor: dr. T. van Gog
  • 17 september 2010
    José P.W. Janssen
    Titel proefschrift: Paving the way for lifelong Learning: facilitating competence development through a learning path specification
    Centre for Learning Sciences and Technology (CELSTEC)
    Promotor: prof. dr. E.J.R. Koper
    Co-promotor: dr. A.J. Berlanga
  • 18 juni 2010
    Frans A.M. Vodegel
    Titel proefschrift: Grootschalige onderwijstransformatie: beleidstheorie, ontwerpprincipes en kritische succesfactoren
    Buitenpromovendus via faculteit Managementwetenschappen
    Promotor: prof. dr. H.M.J. van den Bosch
    Co-promotor: dr. G.A.C. Smid
  • 26 maart 2010
    Maartje M. van Stralen
    Titel proefschrift: 'The Active plus project changing physical activity behaviour in older adults'
    Faculteit Psychologie
    Promotores: prof. dr. E.H.S. Lechner en prof. dr. H. de Vries
    Co-promotor: dr. C.A.W. Bolman