cETO Forms and guidelines
I Ethical guidelines
- Code of ethics for research in the social and behavioural sciences involving human participants (2018)
- Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (by VSNU)
(Nederlandse Gedragscode voor Wetenschappelijke Integriteit [Dutch]) - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
(Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschap (KNAW) [Dutch]) - Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (American Psychological Association, APA)
- WMO obligation scan
(See: Uw onderzoek: WMO-plichtig of niet? [Dutch])
II General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR
- General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR
(Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming / AVG
Attachment Handleiding Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming [Dutch]) - Execution Act GDPR
(Uitvoeringswet AVG [Dutch]) - Personal data–disclaimer Open Universiteit
- Categories of personal data
- Personal data and traceability (reference card voor onderzoekers, bron Landelijk Coördinatie Research Data Management)
- Pseudonimiseren vs anonimiseren
New document will be uploaded
III Ethical procedure
- Secondary data
Onderzoek secundaire data [Dutch]
New document will be uploaded - Instructions cETO app (2023)
- Checklist Ethical assessment
- Flowchart proces aanvraag indienen cETO [Dutch]
- Template amendment (old portal)
- Checklist cETO reviewers
IV Participant information
- Aim and requirement Participant Information
Attachment Aim and requirements Participant Information Letter - information letter for participants
Attachment Format example Participant Information Letter - Example of debriefing letter
Attachment Example of debriefing letter
V Informed consent
- Explanation Informed consent models and template models
Attachment Informed consent models - Example online informed consent
Attachment Example online informed consent - Explanation on informed consent involving minors
Attachment Informed consent involving minors - Explanation on active vs passive informed consent
Attachment Active vs passive informed consent - Example of written permission of participating organisation(s)
Attachment Toestemmingsverklaring externe instelling [Dutch] - Checklist informed consent form