Forms and guidelines

cETO Forms and guidelines

I Ethical guidelines

  1. Code of ethics for research in the social and behavioural sciences involving human participants (2018)
  2. Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (by VSNU)
    (Nederlandse Gedragscode voor Wetenschappelijke Integriteit [Dutch])
  3. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
    (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschap (KNAW) [Dutch])
  4. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (American Psychological Association, APA)
  5. WMO obligation scan
    (See: Uw onderzoek: WMO-plichtig of niet? [Dutch])

II General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR

  1. General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR
    (Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming / AVG
    Attachment Handleiding Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming [Dutch])
  2. Execution Act GDPR
    (Uitvoeringswet AVG [Dutch])
  3. Personal data–disclaimer Open Universiteit
  4. Categories of personal data
  5. Personal data and traceability (reference card voor onderzoekers, bron Landelijk Coördinatie Research Data Management)
  6. Pseudonimiseren vs anonimiseren
    New document will be uploaded

III Ethical procedure

  1. Secondary data
    Onderzoek secundaire data [Dutch]
    New document will be uploaded
  2. Instructions cETO app (2023)
  3. Checklist Ethical assessment
  4. Flowchart proces aanvraag indienen cETO [Dutch]
  5. Template amendment (old portal)
  6. Checklist cETO reviewers

IV Participant information

  1. Aim and requirement Participant Information
    Attachment Aim and requirements Participant Information Letter
  2. information letter for participants
    Attachment Format example Participant Information Letter
  3. Example of debriefing letter
    Attachment Example of debriefing letter

V Informed consent

  1. Explanation Informed consent models and template models
    Attachment Informed consent models
  2. Example online informed consent
    Attachment Example online informed consent
  3. Explanation on informed consent involving minors
    Attachment Informed consent involving minors
  4. Explanation on active vs passive informed consent
    Attachment Active vs passive informed consent
  5. Example of written permission of participating organisation(s)
    Attachment Toestemmingsverklaring externe instelling [Dutch]
  6. Checklist informed consent form