- 'Internationale samenwerking met duurzaamheidsprofessionals': Interview Paquita Perez door Copernicus Alliance.
- Imaginaries of the Future City: Envisioning Climate Change and Technological Cityscapes Through Contemporary Speculative Fiction.
- UNESCO rapport over hoe universiteiten wereldwijd omgaan met de coronacrisis
- Welke competenties maken duurzaamheidsprofessional succesvol?
- Invoering statiegeld voor circulaire economie - interview met Paquita Perez
- Kerncompetenties van duurzaamheidsprofessionals
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- Karin Nettenbreijers, Paquita Perez en Ellen Tromp (2022). Zes lessen voor het benutten van lokale kennis voor duurzaam waterbeheer, Tijdschrift Milieu 2022-3, pp 44-48.
- Valérie Vandenbussche, Paquita Pérez, Ronald Venn (2020). Competenties voor duurzame gedragsverandering, Lokaal, Maandblad van de Vereniging Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten, 6: 54-57.
- Paquita Perez aan tafel op Avond van Wetenschap en Maatschappij (8 oktober 2018)
- Professionele competenties voor interventies richting duurzaamheid. Verslag van onderzoek van de OU met de Vereniging van Milieuprofessionals in het juni-nummer van Milieu, het tijdschrift voor milieuprofessionals (2018).
- Perez Salgado, F., Abbott, D. & Wilson, G. (2018). Dimensions of professional competences for interventions towards sustainability. Sustainability Science, 13(1): 163-177. (open access)
- Paquita Pérez in Raad van Toezicht van De Natuur en Milieufederaties (in ontwikkeling)
- Francisca Pérez Salgado, Jos Rikers (2017). International e-learning programmes for Sustainable Development in Higher Education in Europe and Africa. In Michelsen, G; Wells, P.J. (eds) ‘A Decade of Progress on Education for Sustainable Development- Reflections from the UNESCO Chairs Programme’, 48-58. UNESCO, Paris, ISBN 978-92-3-[100227-4]. (open access)
- Versteijlen, M.; Perez Salgado, F.; Janssen Groesbeek, M.; Counotte, A. (2017). Pros and cons of online education as a measure to reduce carbon emissions in higher education in the Netherlands. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 28:80–89. (open access)
- 10 maart 2016, Open Education Week: Online lezing over duurzaamheid en open onderwijs, de opname van de lezing door Jan van den Akker (UNESCO) en Paquita Perez (vanaf minuut 35). (in ontwikkeling)
- Open brief aan Mark Rutte inzake Klimaatzaak (in ontwikkeling)
- Pérez Salgado, F., Wilson, G., Van der Klink, M. (2014).
Transforming academic knowledge and the concept of Lived Experience: Intervention Competence in an international e-learning programme. - in Caeiro, S., Leal Filho, W., Azeiteiro, U.M., (Eds.) 2014. ‘E-learning and sustainability' in the series Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit – Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability, 59-69, Peter Lang: Frankfurt.
- Pérez Salgado, F., de Kraker, J., Boon, J., Van der Klink, M. (2012).
Competences for climate change education in a virtual mobility setting. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Vol 6, no.1, 53-65. - Wilson, G., Abbott, D., de Kraker, J., Pérez Salgado, P., Terwisscha van Scheltinga, C., Willems, P. (2011).
'The lived experience of climate change': creating open educational resources and virtual mobility for an innovative, integrative and competence-based track at Masters level. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 3(2): 111-123. - Gordon Wilson, Dina Abbott, Joop De Kraker, Paquita Pérez, Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Patrick Willems (2010).
The lived experience of climate change´: creating Open Educational Resources and virtual mobility for an innovative, integrative and competence-based track at Masters level. - Conference Proceedings Tech Education -Paper-147-Extended Version-2010, Springer Verlag.
- Wilson, G., Abbott, D., De Kraker, J., Pérez, P., Terwisscha van Scheltinga, C., Willems, P. (2010).
'The lived experience of climate change': an innovative, interdisciplinary and competence-based track at Masters level using Open Educational Resources and virtual mobility. Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, 73, 1-5. - Dina Abbott, Joop Kraker, Paquita Pérez, Catharien Terwisscha Scheltinga, Patrick Willems, Gordon Wilson, (2010).
'The Lived Experience of Climate Change': An Interdisciplinary and Competence-Based Masters Track Using Open Educational Resources and Virtual Mobility. Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research, 65-469, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - Oratie Paquita Pérez Salgado
Online onderwijs en duurzaamheid: 'een groene inktvlek'
30 mei 2008 - Proefschrift Angelique Lansu
Learning for Sustainable Development: Merging Professional Demands and Academic Standards
22 maart 2013