This subprogramme includes research on:
- the role of policy entrepreneurs in environmental governance
- the role of public-private partnerships and civil society groups in developing new solutions and interventions for environmental problems
- regional experimentation with novel environmental solutions.
Examples of projects:
- Network centric organisation of human capital and talent management
Human resources and talent are the most important drivers of organisational innovation, organisational learning and sustainable performance. Yet, addressing all these issues from a single organisational perspective is difficult. Therefore, multi-organisational networks are formed to provide its members with possibilities to optimise and share the availability and use of human talent in work. This goes for personnel exchange as well as shared human resource practices directed at developing employees’ sustainable employability. In these networks, the sharing of (and learning about) human resource practices including on the job training, lateral job movement, job secondment, internships, career development job fair are stimulated. Possibly, forming networks may provide organisations with opportunities to better recalibrate job supply and demand, and thereby enabling them to develop a productive and skilled workforce lasting over a longer time span. These networks may also be beneficial for employees by providing them with opportunities to increase their employability, to optimize their job fit and find better matches throughout their career, within the trusted boundaries of the network. Currently, only little is known about the functioning and possible benefits of these networks. Therfore, this project investigates how multi-organisational networks contribute to fostering sustainable outcomes for employees and organisations.
The study participants in this line of research work for organisations that are officially members of a Dutch network, or act on behalf of the network itself. They represent a wide range of stakeholders found within the network, e.g. employees, line managers, HR career professionals, upper managers, network coordinators.
Research team:
Sarah Courchesne Msc.
Dr. Dave Stynen
Prof. dr. Judith Semeijn
Prof. dr. Marjolein Caniels
- Idea Adoption in Workplace Innovation: Scale Development and Initial Validity Evidence
A collaboration project between the Faculty of Management and Faculty of Psychology
Main researcher: prof. dr. Karen van Dam
- How motivational orientations are related to ambidexterity
A collaboration project between the Faculty of Management & TIAS
Main researcher: prof. dr. Marjolein Caniëls