Unfortunately, you may encounter undesirable behaviour by others that makes you feel very uncomfortable. Undesirable behaviour can include, but is not limited to, bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, aggression or violence. Fortunately, this is not common, but the Open Universiteit nevertheless receives about 20 reports a year.
Helping hand
If you have a bad feeling about something and are unsure about how to deal with it, a conversation with one of the confidential advisers can be the beginning of a solution to the problem. The confidential adviser is highly knowledgeable about the organisation and therefore able to paint a clear picture of your situation in relation to the Open University. Together with the confidential adviser, you can look for the best way out of the unpleasant situation. This may involve making contact with others who can help you if necessary, but may also include having a conversation with the person in question. It goes without saying that all conversations are held in confidence.
The manner in which undesirable behaviour is dealt with at the Open Universiteit is laid down in the Joint Complaints Procedure against Undesirable Conduct.
If you need more information, you can contact one of the three confidential advisers by email at vertrouwenspersonen.oomgang@ou.nl. Please indicate in this email how you would like to be contacted (by telephone or email) and what days/times are convenient for you. The relevant confidential adviser will then contact you as soon as possible. This may take one to two working days. The confidential adviser is not the right person to deal with acute emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation, please contact your doctor or an emergency service by calling 112 or www.deluisterlijn.nl.
The confidential advisers are:
Mimi Crijns
Ton Loos
Dimphy Smeets