


Stefan Dekker

Santos MJ, Dekker SC, Braakhekke MB, Diaglou V, van Vuuren D. 2017. The charcoal nexus. Frontiers in Environmental Sicences, 5.

Bijl DL, Bogaart PW, Dekker SC, Stehfest E, van Vuuren D. 2017 A physcially-based Model of Long-Term Food Demand. Global Environmental Change.

Dekker SC, Groenendijk M, Booth BBB, Huntingford C, Cox PM 2016. Spatial and temporal variations in plant water-use efficiency inferred from tree-ring, eddy covariance and atmospheric observations. Earth Systems Dynamics 7/525.

Staal A, Dekker SC, Xu C, van Nes E 2016. Bistability, spatial interaction and the distribution of tropical forests and savannas. Ecosystems.

Bogaart PW, Velde Y, Lyon SW, Dekker SC 2016. Stream flow recession patterns can help unravel the role of climate and humans in landscape co-evolution. HESS

Dave Huitema

Huitema, D., Boasson, E. L., & Beunen, R. (2018). Entrepreneurship in climate governance at the local and regional levels: concepts, methods, patterns, and effects.

Morrison, T.H., W. N. Adger, K. Brown, M.C. Lemos, D. Huitema, and T.P. Hughes. Mitigation and adaptation in polycentric systems: sources of power in the pursuit of collective goals. WIREs Clim Change 2017, e479.

Huitema, D., W. N. Adger, F. Berkhout, E. Massey, D. Mazmanian, S. Munaretto, R. Plummer, and C. C. J. A. M. Termeer. 2016. The governance of adaptation: choices, reasons, and effects. Introduction to the Special Feature. Ecology and Society 21(3):37.

Hilden, M., L Saikku, A Jordan, D Huitema, D. Huisingh (2016). The opportunities and roles of experimentation in addressing climate change. In Journal of cleaner production, Vol. 115, p. 1-4.

Jordan, A., D. Huitema, H. van Asselt, M. Hildén,T. Rayner, E.L. Boasson, J. Forster, J. Schoenefeld, and J. Tosun. 2015. The emergence of polycentric climate governance and its future prospects, Nature Climate Change 5, 977–982.

Termeer, C., A. van Buuren, A. Dewulf, D. Huitema, H. Mees, S. Meijerink, M. van Rijswick, Governance arrangements for the adaptation to climate change: challenges, insights and design principles, Oxford Encyclopaedia on Climate Adaptation (forthcoming).

Wilfried Ivens

Wilfried PMF Ivens, Daisy JJ Tysmans, Carolien Kroeze, Ansje J Löhr, Jikke van Wijnen, Modeling global NO2 emissions from aquatic systems, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 350-358, ISSN 1877-3435.

Jikke van Wijnen, Carolien Kroeze, Wilfried P. M. F. Ivens & Ansje J. Löhr , Future scenarios for N2O emissions from biodiesel production in Europe, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, Volume 12, 2015 - Issue sup1: Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gasses, Guest Editors: André van Amstel, Peter van Velthoven and Arjan Hensen, Pages 17-30.

J Wijnen, W Ivens, C Kroeze, A Löhr, Coastal eutrophication in Europe caused by production of energy crops. Science of the Total Environment 511, 101-111, 2015.

C Kroeze, N Hofstra, W Ivens, A Löhr, M Strokal, J. van Wijnen. The links between global carbon, water and nutrient cycles in an urbanizing world—the case of coastal eutrophication, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 5(6), p. 566-572, 2013

PW Gerbens-Leenes, S Nonhebel, W Ivens, A method to determine land requirements relating to food consumption patterns. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 90 (1), 47-58, 2002

Joop de Kraker

van der Wal, M.M., J. de Kraker, C. Kroeze, P.A. Kirschner, P. Valkering (2016). Can computer models be used for social learning? A serious game in water management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 75, 199-132.

de Kraker, J., S. Kuijs, R. Cörvers, A. Offermans (2014). Internet public opinion on climate change: a world views analysis of online reader comments. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 6(1), 19-33.

Perez Salgado, F., de Kraker, J., Boon, J., Van der Klink, M. (2012). Competences for climate change education in a virtual mobility setting. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 6(1), 53–65.

Wilson, G., Abbott, D., de Kraker, J., Perez Salgado, F., Terwisscha van Scheltinga, C., Willems, P. (2011). ‘The lived experience of climate change’: creating open educational resources and virtual mobility for an innovative, integrative and competence-based track at Masters level. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 3(2): 111-123.

Ansje Löhr

Van Wijnen, J., Kroeze, C., Ivens, W.P.M.F., & Löhr , A.J. (2015) Future scenarios for N2O emissions from biodiesel production in Europe. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences.

Kroeze, C., Hofstra, N., Ivens, W., Löhr A., Strokal M. & van Wijnen, J. (2013) The links between global carbon, water and nutrient cycles in an urbanizing world — the case of coastal eutrophication, Curr Opin Environ Sustain (2013).

Willems, P., Kroeze, C. & Löhr, A. (2012). The essential role of expertise on natural resources in climate change Master's education. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development. Vol. 6 13-42.

Hummel, H.G.K., van Houcke, J., Nadolski, R.J., van der Hiele, T., Kurvers, H., & Löhr A. (2011). Scripted collaboration in serious gaming for complex learning: Effects of multiple perspectives when acquiring water management skills. British Journal of Educational Technology. 42 (6): 1029-1041.

Ivens, W.P.M.F., Tysmans, D.J.J., Kroeze, C., Löhr, A.J., & Wijnen, J. van. (2011). Modeling global N2O emissions from aquatic systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3(5), 350-358.

Angela Oels

Methmann, C./Oels, A. (2015) From ‘fearing’ to ‘empowering’ climate refugees: Governing climate-induced migration in the name of resilience. Security Dialogue 46 (1): 51-68.

Oels, A. (2015) Resisting climate security discourse: Restoring 'the political' in climate change politics. In: Dalby, Simon and O’Lear, Shannon (eds.) Reframing Climate Change: Constructing an Ecological Geopolitics. London: Routledge. 188-202.

Oels, A. (2015) Climate Security. In: Bäckstrand, K./ Lövbrand, E.(eds.) Research Handbook on Climate Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 458-469.

Oels, Angela (2013) Rendering Climate Change Governable by Risk: From probability to contingency. GEOFORUM, themed issue on Natures of Risk, 45 (March 2013): 17-29.

Oels, A. (2005) Rendering climate change governable: From biopower to advanced liberal government? Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7 (3): 185-208.

James Patterson

Patterson, J., Thaler, T., Hoffmann, M., Hughes, S., Oels, A., Chu, E., Mert, A., Huitema, D., Burch, S., Jordan, A. (forthcoming) Political feasibility of 1.5° societal transformations: the role of social justice. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.

Beunen, R., Patterson, J.J., van Assche, K. (2017) Governing for resilience: the role of institutional work. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.

Patterson, J., Schulz, K., Vervoort, J., van der Hel, S., Widerberg, O., Adler, C., Hurlbert, Anderton, K., Sethi, M., Barau, A. (2017) Exploring the governance and politics of transformations towards sustainability. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.

Patterson, J.J. (2017) Purposeful collective action in ambiguous and contested situations: exploring enabling capacities and cross-level interplay. International Journal of the Commons. 11(1):248-274.

Beunen, R., and Patterson, J.J. (2016) Institutional change in environmental governance: exploring the concept of "institutional work". Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.