If you are able to define the issue as a complaint, objection or appeal yourself, please submit it using the information stated for each type of issue. If you are unable to define the issue, you can use the example below.
Sample issue submission
Administrative appeal
You can contact the Complaints and Disputes Service Point to lodge an administrative appeal with the Board of Appeal for Examinations against decisions made by the Examinations Board or an examiner. Examples of a decision are an individual exam result, an exemption decision or a decision on admission to a university Master’s programme.
You can contact the Complaints and Disputes Service Point to object to a decision made by or on behalf of the Executive Board against which no administrative appeal is possible. Among other things, such a decision may concern enrolment or the tuition fee.
You can also contact the Complaints and Disputes Service Point with general complaints regarding issues against which no appeal or objection is possible, for example the service you received or the way in which you were treated. Report your complaint using the reporting form provided. The Complaints and Disputes Service Point will assess who is best placed to deal with your complaint. If the complaint is forwarded to the Complaints Committee, you will be informed accordingly. The Complaints Committee will send you a confirmation of receipt and inform you of the steps it will take. After its consideration, the Complaints Committee will advise the Executive Board on the matter, after which the Executive Board will decide on your complaint.
Undesirable behaviour
If you are confronted with undesirable behaviour, you can contact one of the confidential advisers of the Open Universiteit in the first instance. If your situation cannot be improved satisfactorily in this way, you can submit a formal complaint in writing to the Complaints Committee for Undesirable Behaviour. If you wish, you can ask the confidential adviser to help you with the submission.