What’s BOThering You?
Studying and Improving Student Mental Well-Being Using Computational Modelling and Chatbots.
About the project
The mental well-being of students (StMWB) in higher education has increasingly become a big concern in our society.
The 'What’s BOThering You?' project, funded by ZonMw, is dedicated to addressing this issue, by identifying the network structure of StMWB components over time and modelling this dynamic network computationally. This way, we aim to uncover and provide novel insights into the complex networks of StMWB components, leading to a multidimensional, dynamic and personalized network model of StMWB.
The model serves as input for the development and evaluation of a personalised and attractive conversational agent (chatbot) that can identify intervention targets and intervene effectively on a personal level. Such chatbots can lower the threshold for young people to seek help for their issues with mental well-being. using technology they already have experience with.
This project runs from 1 June 2023 until 1 June 2028.