Equestrian Young Leaders Europe (EYLE)
Applicants: prof. dr. Karin Hediger from Open University, European Equestrian Federation, Dutch Equestrian Federation, Hungarian Equestrian Federation, Norwegian Equestrian Federation, Swedish Equestrian Federation, Bulgarian Equestrian Federation
2022 – 2025, 15'000 EUR (400’000 EUR total)
Funded by Erasmus+
NATAIS (Neurodegenerative diseases, nATure, AnImalS)
Applicants: dr. Roeslan Leontjevas, prof. dr. Karin Hediger, prof. dr. Marie-José Enders-Slegers, prof. dr. Debby Gerritsen, Peter Reniers, Ine Declercq, dr. Simone de Bruin, prof. dr. Sandra Wesenberg, dr. Christine Olsen, dr. Dorit van Meel, prof. dr. Christel Moons, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, prof. dr. Daniel Mills, dr. Zenithson Ng
2022 – 2023, 49’590 EUR
Funded by EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)
The beneficial effect of the interaction with dogs versus cats in daily-life, an experience sampling study of pet-owners
Applicants: dr. Mayke Janssens, prof. dr. Karin Hediger, prof. dr. Nele Jacobs, prof. dr. Jannes Eshuis
Funding period 2 years, 30’000 USD
Funded by Nestlé Purina PetCare
Pet@home: hulpmiddelen om de rol van het huisdier te integreren in gestructureerde zorgplannen
Researchers: dr. Roeslan Leontjevas, prof. dr. Karin Hediger, prof.em.dr. M.J.Enders-Slegers and Peter Reniers
In collaboration with external parties like Radboud and IVA
15.12.2020 – 14.01.2024. 277’147 EUR.
Funded by ZonMW
In collaboration with AAIZOO Nederland, Portugal and other countries,
Researchers: prof. em. dr. M.J.Enders-Slegers, Tynke de Winkel
01.09.2021 to 31.08.2022, 40’896 EUR
Funded by Erasmus+.
EPISODE: kosteneffectiviteit epilepsiehonden
In collaboration with met Erasmus universiteit en andere partijen
Funded by ZonMw
Project AAI: Animal Assisted Interventions voor kinderen in ziekenhuis
In collaboration with Universiteit Maastricht (UMC Maastricht)
Researchers: prof. em. dr. M.J.Enders Slegers, prof. dr. Pim Martens, prof. dr. Karin Hediger en GAIA dierentuin.
2020. 5’000 EUR
Funded by:
Preparation and training of human dog teams in Dog Assisted Education and Therapy”
Researcher: prof.em.dr. M.J.Enders-Slegers
01.09.2017 – 31.08.2019. 48265 EUR
Funded by Erasmus+