Educational games, gamification and simulation-based learning
The design, development, implementation, and evaluation of (serious) educational games, gameful interactive media, as well as simulations for learning and professional development to research how to develop a profound understanding of the opportunities, possibilities, and boundaries of (serious) games, gamification, as well as simulation-based learning.
Mobile and seamless learning design
Learners are, through (a combination) of mobile and digital technology, facilitated to experience a continuity of learning across places and (professional) practices at different times as well as make the most of their personal experiences in (educational or professional) practice.
Multimodal learning experiences
New forms of multimodal, embodied, tangible interaction, augmented human-object interaction, wearables, sensor- and actuator technologies, and situated displays are researched on their potential to enhance learning and support processes.
Artificial Intelligence for Education
Exploring the utilisation of AI technologies for their potential to enhance teaching and learning processes. AI technologies are on the edge of becoming mainstream in daily life. Built on learning data, AI for Education aims at utilising the data for support, guidance, feedback, and individualisation of learning processes.
Educational robotics, computational thinking and STEM-learning
The application of educational robotics with an impact on computational thinking offers challenging development opportunities for learning. The influence of variations in programming environments and different modalities of assessment are researched.