Governance models
In the context of digitalization (or digital transformation) of organizations, the topic of
governance is of growing importance. Governance ensures that the organization’s digital assets (e.g. physical IT artifacts, new or established digital technologies, data or information, IT-enabled business processes etc.) are appropriately directed and controlled.
Current topics:
- Data governance;
- Analytics governance
- IT governance;
- Maturity models;
- Board-level IT Governance;
- Evolutionary dynamics of IT governance;
- AI governance.
Software management
Research within the theme software management is aimed at the supporting the complex field of software strategy, development, implementation, and maintenance. IT- portfolio management and project management are important aspects within this field.
Current topics:
- Resilience of organizations for ERP implementations;
- Agile processes;
- Qualitative performance management.
IT sourcing partnerships
Organizations increasingly depend on strategic partnerships for various reasons. Strategic thinking surpasses classic client-supplier thinking and requires a focus on joint knowledge development, regular strategic goal and behavior alignment through systematic monitoring and relation management.
Behavioral IT governance
This line of research aims to improve organizational decision making in IT governance. The focus of this research theme is on decision making under risk in the domain of IT, specifically on the effects of behavioral entrapments which can lead to irrational decisions. We investigate whether we can identify early indicators of behavioral entrapments in government IT projects.
Current topics:
- Escalation of commitment in IT projects;
- Changes in social risk behavior as a result of IT;
- Nudging & gamification to improve IT risk behavior;
- Privacy and security behavior in the digital age.
- Prof. Dr. Rob Kusters
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Remko Helms
- Prof. Dr. Arno Nuijten RE CIA CISA
- Dr. Ir. Guy Janssens
- Dr. Tim Huygh
- Dr. Laury Bollen
- Dr. Vanessa Dirksen
- Dr. Ir. Harry Martin
- Dr. Ben Roelens
Phd students
- J.R. Merkus
- D.J. van Ekris
- P.A. van de Griend
- P.J.A. Thöni
- L.A. Yap
- J. Baijens
- Ponsteen, J.P.
- Schoenmakers
- J.H. Knobbout
- M. van Belzen
- F. van Telgen
- R. Wissenburg
Selected publications:
- Baijens, J., Helms, R.W. (2020). “Towards a framework for data analytics governance mechanisms”. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems. Marrakesh, Morocco: AIS Library.
- Baijens, J., Helms, R.W. (2020). “Applying Scrum in Data Science Projects”. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Business Informatics Research. Springer, Cham.
- Belzen, M. V., Trienekens, J., & Kusters, R. (2019). “Critical success factors of continuous practices in a DevOps context”. In A. Siarheyev, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings) ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.
- Benschop, N., Hilhorst, C., Nuijten, A., & Keil, M. (2020). “Detection of early warning signals for overruns in IS projects: Linguistic analysis of business case language”. European Journal of Information Systems, 29(2), 190-202
- Benschop, N., Nuijten, A., & Pijl, G. v. d. (2015). “Het beeld achter de woorden: framing en informatielekkage in projectrapportages”. Management & Organisatie, 19(4), 59-75.
- De Haes, S., Caluwe, L., Huygh, T., Joshi, A., (2020), “Governing Digital Transformation: Guidance for Corporate Board Members”. Springer.
- De Haes, S., Huygh, T., Joshi, A. (2017). “Exploring the contemporary state of information technology governance transparency in Belgian firms”. Information systems management - ISSN 1058-0530 - 34:1(2017), p. 20-37.
- De Haes, S., Huygh, T., Joshi, A., Caluwe., L. (2019). “National Corporate Governance Codes and IT Governance Transparency in Annual Reports”. Journal of Global Information Management – ISSN 1062-7375 – 27:4(2019).
- Griend van de, P. A., & Kusters, R. J. (2012). “Integration test effort in SAP R/3 systems”. Journal of software: Evolution and Process, 24(4), 421-435.
- Huygh., T. (2019). “Understanding IT Governance: Conceptualization and Enabling IT Business Value”. PhD Thesis, University of Antwerp.
- Huygh, T., De Haes, S. (2018). “Using the Viable System Model to study IT governance dynamics: evidence from a single case study”. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3-6 January, 2018, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, U.S.A. - ISBN 978-0-9981331-1-9 - 2018, p. 4880-4890.
- Huygh, T., De Haes, S. (2019). “Investigating IT governance through the Viable System Model”. Information systems management - ISSN 1058-0530 - 36:2(2019), p. 168-192.
- Janssens, G., Moorst, L. van, Kusters, R. & Martin, H., (2020) “An expert-based taxonomy of ERP implementation activities”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60:2, 175-183.
- Joshi, A., Bollen, L., Hassink, H., "An Empirical Assessment of IT Governance Transparency: Evidence from Commercial Banking", Information Systems Management, Volume 30, Issue 2, pp. 116-136, 2013
- Joshi, A., Bollen, L., Hassink, H., Grembergen, W. van, De Haes, S., "Explaining IT Governance Disclosure through the Constructs of IT Governance Maturity and IT Strategic Role”, Information & Management, Vol. 55, Issue 3, 2018, pp. 368-380
- Joshi, A.,Peteghem, M. van, Bollen, L., De Haes, S., Mithas, S., “Board IT competence and firm performance”, paper presented at ICIS conference, Munchen, 2019
- Kusters, R. J., Pouwelse, L., Martin, H., & Trienekens, J. J. M. (2016). “Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing: Steps towards a Framework”. In: S. Hammoudi, L. Maciaszek, M.M. Missikoff, O. Camp, & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (Vol. 1, pp. 580-587). SCITEPRESS-Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
- Merkus, J., Helms, R.W., and Kusters R.. (2019). “Data Governance and Information Governance: set of definitions in relation to Data and Information as part of DIKW”. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Heraklion, Greece: SciTePress.
- Nuijten, A. (2020). “Bewust van het onbewuste: Naar betere IT-beslissingen met kennis van risicogedrag”. Inauguratie 13 februari 2020. Heerlen: Open Universiteit.
- Nuijten, A., Keil, M., & Commandeur, H. (2016). “Collaborative partner or opponent: How the messenger influences the deaf effect in IT projects”. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(6), 534-552.
- Nuijten, A., keil, M., Pijl, G. v. d., & Commandeur, H. (2018). “IT managers’ vs. IT auditors’ perceptions of risks: An actor–observer asymmetry perspective”. Information & Management, 55(1), 80-93.
- Nuijten, A., Keil, M., Sarens, G., & Twist, M. v. (2019). “Partners or Opponents: Auditor-manager relationship dynamics following the deaf effect in information system projects”. Managerial Auditing Journal, 34(9), 1073-1100.
- Nuijten, A., & Twist, M. v. (2014). “Informatieveiligheid: Aandacht voor de dagelijkse dingen die er echt toe doen”. In Inspiratiebundel - Informatieveiligheid (pp. 173-197): Taskforce Bestuur en Informatieveiligheid Dienstverlening, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken.
- Nuijten, A., & Twist, M. v. (2018). “Consciously Dealing with the subconscious: about the relevance of gamification to internal auditing. – application to information security behavior”, Institute of Internal Auditing – The Netherlands
- Ponsteen, A., & Kusters, R. J. (2015). “Classification of human- and automated resource allocation approaches in multi-project management”. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, (Special issue), 165-173.
- Saab, N., Helms, R.W., Zoet, M. (2018). “Predictive quality control in BPM: proposing a framework for predicting quality anomalies”. In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Šamalíková, Jana, Kusters, Rob J., Trienekens, Jos J.M. and Weijters, Ton, “Process mining support for CMMI-based software process assessment”, in: principle and in practice. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Volume 26, Issue 7, pages 714–728, July 2014.
- Schoenmakers, H., Kusters, R. J., & Trienekens, J. J. M. (2018). “Factors that complicate the selection of software requirements: validating factors from literature in an empirical study”. In: L. Maciaszek, & M. van Sinderen (Eds.), ICSOFT 2018: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (Vol. 1, pp. 213-220). INSTICC Press.
- Trienekens, J., Kusters, R., Himawan, H. B., & van Moll, J. (2018). “Customer involvement in the scaled agile framework: results from a case study in an industrial company”. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018) (Vol. 2, pp. 104-110). SCITEPRESS-Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
- Trienekens, J. J. M., Kusters, R. J., Van Moll, J. H., & Vos, C. (2017). “Decision Criteria for Software Component Sourcing: An Initial Framework on the Basis of Case Study Results”. In: S. Hammoudi, M. Smialek, O. Camp, & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: Volume 2: ICEIS (Vol. 2, pp. 279-286). SCITEPRESS-Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
- Verbraak, V., Nuijten, A., & Keil, M. (2015). “Nudging with descriptive social norms to overcome the deaf effect in IT projects”. Paper presented at the 13th European Academic Conference on Internal Audit and Corporate Governance, London
- Vosselman, E., Verstegen, B., Olink, H., Martin, H., “Organizational Structure, Operational Coordination and Relational Signals: How Voluntary Actions by Organizations Lead to Formal Control Structures”, International Journal of Management, Vol. 29, Iss. 3, (sep 2012), 137 -151.