You can start a PhD trajectory with a master’s degree. The subject of the research must fit within the faculty's research plan and match the expertise and interests of one of our professors.
Entry requirements for the PhD trajectory
A PhD student is expected to produce an article approximately every year that is accepted by an international peer-reviewed journal or a conference of a comparable level. In order to achieve this, it is necessary that also an external PhD student can devote sufficient time to the research. What is sufficient here depends on the degree of synergy with the job, but being able to spend two days a week on research is a minimum requirement.
The PhD trajectory as an external PhD student is preceded by a phase in which you write a research proposal. In this phase you are an aspiring external PhD student and will have one year to formulate a proposal in consultation with the intended promoter; in the meantime, the Open Universiteit provides access to the necessary scientific literature. The completed proposal will be assessed by a committee, based on criteria such as relevance, originality and feasibility.
After approval of the proposal, you will become a full PhD candidate. A contract will be concluded in which the facilities to which you are entitled, the services required and the period of validity of the agreement will be determined. Often the employer also makes time and facilities available; the agreements about this are also recorded. The duration of the promotion process is usually between 4 and 7 years.
The faculty, supported by the Open Universiteit Graduate School (OUGS), offers various facilities:
- Guidance, both in making the research proposal and in carrying out the PhD trajectory.
- Digital library facilities at the home location.
- Training through courses of OUGS and of national research schools in the field of computer science and information science.
- Membership of an (online) research community (via OUGS and Open Universiteit PhD Network).
- Participation in faculty research meetings.
For a PhD at the Department of Information Science, please contact prof. dr. Rob Kusters.
For a PhD at the Faculty of Science, please contact prof. dr. Bastiaan (B.J.) Heeren.
Completed PhD projects
Janssens, Guy, 'Understanding complexity of ERP implementations: Exploration of three complexity research approaches', dissertation, Open Universiteit Heerlen, 2017.
- 17 March 2023
Pien Walraven
'Aligning through complexity: a co-evolutionary information systems alignment approach to address complex environments in the pursuit of business-IT alignment'
Promotores: prof. dr. ir. Remko Helms en prof. dr. Marjolein Caniëls
Copromotores: prof. dr. ir. Johan Versendaal en dr. Rogier van de Wetering
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch): Promotie: Business-IT alignment in complexe organisaties is mensenwerk
- 27 January 2023
Navin Sewberath Misser
'Introducing technological innovations in operating rooms in hospitals'
Promotor: prof. dr. ir. Johan Versendaal
Copromotores: dr. ir. Joris Jaspers en dr. Bas van Zaane (beiden Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht)
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch): Onderzoek: Succesvol implementeren van technologische hulpmiddelen in ziekenhuizen vergt vereende krachten
- 7 October 2022
Albert Ponsteen
'Resource allocation in multi-project environments by combining scheduling heuristics with human intelligence'
Promotor: prof. dr. Rob Kusters
Copromotor: dr. ir. Harry Martin
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch):Promotie: Bij het toewijzen van taken leidt een combinatie van mens en machine tot betere resultaten
- 3 December 2021
Jeroen Baijens
A multi view approach on data analytics: a process and governance perspective
Promotores: prof. dr. ir. Remko Helms en prof. dr. Rob Kusters
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch): Houvast in processen en governance voor data analytics in organisaties
- 29 October 2021
Justian Knobbout
'Designing the learning analytics capability model'
Promotor: prof. dr. ir. Johan Versendaal
Copromotores: dr. Esther van der Stappen (Avans Hogeschool) en dr. Rogier van de Wetering
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch):: Model om learning analytics succesvol in te zetten in onderwijs
- 1 October 2021
Jaap van Ekris
'Why customers dislike software developers: an exploratory investigation of soft process quality dimensions of stakeholder‐software developer interactions'
Promotores: prof. dr. R.J. Kusters en prof. dr. ir. J.J.M. Trienekens
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch): Waarom klanten een hekel hebben aan softwareontwikkelaars
- 30 October 2020
Joshua Doe
'Stimulating the adoption of digital technologies in a developing country context: the Firm Technology Adoption Model (F-TAM)
Promotor: prof. dr. ir. J.M. Versendaal
Co-promotores: dr. R. van de Wetering en dr. B.Q. Honyenuga (Ho Technical University)
Faculty of Science
Press release (in Dutch): Een nieuw model voor technologie-adoptie in ontwikkelingslanden