null Research at the Faculty of Science


Research at the Faculty of Science

The Faculty harbors an exciting mix of computer scientists, information scientists and environmental scientists, aiming to have an impact on the digital society and to address some of the grand challenges faced by society. In terms of the Sustainable Development Goals for instance, our research addresses quite a few themes, including Quality Education, Climate Action, and Industry Innovation and Infrastructure.

Research programme Sciences

The research within the Faculty of Sciences is organized within three departments. Visit the research pages of the department for more information on their research.

Or download the research programme 2020-2025 of the faculty.

Multidisciplinary research at the Open Universiteit

Researchers of the Faculty of Sciences contribute to the multidisciplinary research programma of the Open Universiteit "Innovating for Resilience" and within this programme more specifically to the research lines Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems en Safety in Urban Environments.