3rd call (projects start in 2022)
- Better tools, less conflicts: value pluralism and social learning for better biodiversity decisions'
- The impact of big data and predictive analytics on patient agility in hospitals
- Drop by Drop: Facilitating the Energy-saving Behavior of Smart House/Office Inhabitants using AI and Gamification
- 'Help! How do I study effectively?': How to implement a self-learning, artificially intelligent chatbot as a flexible study coach in an online learning environment
- Playground Heroes: An educational program for primary school pupils to understand and recognize racism and to intervene in racist-based bullying situations
2nd call
- Sense the classroom: AI-supported synchronous online education for a resilient new normal
- Social learning and the climate crisis. Small-scale food production as an inspiration for a sustainable global food supply chain?
- Burnout’s Lessons in Resilience and Sustainable Development from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Resilient Information Security Governance & Management
- Improving financial literacy among small business owners: A theory and evidence-based approach to enhancing financial resilience of small businesses
1st call
- Toward a safe and resilient city: Investigating the dynamics of police-bystander conflicts using advanced technologies
- Smart Technology Use for Resilient Healthcare: Developing an Intervention Toolbox to Stimulate Smart Use of Electronic Health Records in Hospitals Using a Multidisciplinary Approach
- Adoption of Digital Communication Technology by vulnerable citizens in urban areas
- Innovating digital assessment: good use of multimedia
- Minimizing the environmental impact of (micro)plastics by integrated modelling of supply and source-to-impact chains (MinPlas)
- ISI, interpersonal stress intervention with AI
Projects started before 2021
For the projects that started before 2021 visit the webpages of the three research lines: