Soort project: NWO promotiebeurs voor leraren (2018 eerste ronde) PhD project buitenpromovenda
Looptijd: 2018-09-01 / 2025–08-31
Onderzoekers: Neline de Jong-Kroon, Emmy Vrieling-Teunter en Marjan Vermeulen
A high outflow and a low inflow of teachers in secondary education has caused a teacher shortage in recent years. This has occupied the minds of society, politics and scientists. There is an apparent gap between the interventions and measures that have been taken by the Dutch government to solve this problem (macro level), and the factors that seem to influence job leaving of teachers in secondary education arising from previous research and as predicted by related theoretical frameworks (meso and micro level). The interaction between the macro, meso and micro level needs to be studied, in order to gain insight in the lack of knowledge and efforts at all levels and the opportunities for a successful interaction between the three levels to solve the problem effectively. This PhD study will focus on the outflow side of the teacher shortage problem. It will select or develop a theoretical framework that explains the intention to leave the teaching job in secondary education. This framework will first be validated in a quantitative study by using a questionnaire based on the different components of the framework. The components or factors that turn out to be of most influence on the intention to leave the job will be translated into an instrument which can be used at schools to identify job leaving at an early stage. This instrument will be applied in a qualitative study to gain more insight in underlying factors, processes and thoughts. Finally, a second quantitative study among the same participants will be carried out to measure the development of teachers’ intention to leave the job.
Read more (in Dutch): Hoe houden we leraren in het voorgezet onderwijs binnenboord?