Generative Ai anD large language Models In higher educaTion (ADMIT)
Het ADMIT-project wil Large Language Models technologieën (zoals ChatGPT) integreren in een rijke en ethisch verantwoorde leeromgeving.
Onderzoekers: Halszka Jarodzka en Roland Klemke (Onderwijswetenschappen)
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Making sense of testing to improve education (TestSense)
Software systemen zijn niet meer weg te denken uit onze samenleving. De kwaliteit van die systemen is – soms letterlijk - van levensbelang. Maar informaticaopleidingen leiden studenten op tot goede ontwikkelaars, niet tot goede softwaretesters. Het TestSense project gaat een innovatief educatief programma specifiek voor testen ontwikkelen. Een programma dat de focus verandert van alleen "leren over testen" naar "leren om een kwaliteitsbewuste, doelgerichte tester te zijn".
Onderzoeker: Dorothy Duchatelet i.s.m. Tanja Vos (faculteit Bètawetenschappen)
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ChatGPT: De toekomst van het onderwijs?!
Halszka Jarodzka schreef een opiniestuk over ChatGPT , waar zo enorm veel over te doen is. Kans of een bedreiging, of allebei? Schrijven over dergelijke extreem geavanceerde chatbots met kunstmatige intelligentie is een beetje als mikken op een bewegend doel, want terwijl we erover schrijven verandert het alweer. Hoe groot gaan de gevolgen zijn voor onderwijs?
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- Educatieve Agenda Limburg Fase 2b
Corona heeft in het onderwijs allerlei digitale ontwikkelingen in gang gezet. Hoe kunnen we het goede van die ontwikkelingen behouden? De Open Universiteit gaat aan de slag met het Limburgse onderwijsveld om een antwoord te vinden op deze en andere digitaliseringsvragen.
Financier: Provincie Limburg
Looptijd: 2021-2023
Onderzoeker: Gino Camp
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- Teachers’ professional vision and its effect on classroom management (1) (Halszka Jarodzka)
To successfully teach and manage a classroom full of pupils, teachers must see and detect what pupils do and whether they are attentive. In one cross-sectional expertise study and a 4-year longitudinal study we investigate this professional vision of teachers with mobile eye tracking while they are teaching a class.
Listen to Halska Jarodzka on Dutch radio about her research...
Or watch the video Looking through the eyes of the teacher that explains how eye tracking glasses are used for this kind of research.
- Teachers’ professional vision and its effect on classroom management (2) (Sharisse van Driel)
To successfully teach and manage a classroom full of pupils, teachers must understand what pupils do and whether they are attentive. In one cross-sectional expertise study and a 4-year longitudinal study we investigate this professional vision of teachers with verbal reports while they are teaching a class.
In collaboration with the Fontys
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- The digital classroom (Halszka Jarodzka as visiting scholar at Lund University, Sweden)
The learning landscape is changing. Future students will use more electronic media than traditional books. Research in this laboratory, a classroom equipped with 25 eye trackers, shall lead to new materials tailored to each child's ability and interest through a series of studies investigating multimedia learning and social effects.
- Oefengedrag en expertiseontwikkeling bij cursisten Python voor beginners (Dorothy Duchatelet)
Hoe draagt oefenen bij aan het ontwikkelen van expertise? Welk oefengedrag is het meest effectief? Dorothy volgt een groep cursisten die een MOOC Python voor beginners volgt, ontwikkeld door docenten van de hogeschool van Aken. Ze onderzoekt hoe ze de MOOC doorlopen, hoe ze oefenen, en wat de relatie is tussen het oefengedrag en het eindresultaat van de cursus (dat wil zeggen de ontwikkelde expertise op het gebied van Python). Op basis van het onderzoek formuleert ze een advies over het ontwerpen van een MOOC.
- Influence of reading anxiety, self-efficacy, motivation and strategies on eye movement measured reading performance of low literate adults (Paula Gouw)
Too many adults still lack even basic literacy skills, which leads to enormous effects on their individual lives and their economic and social well-being. The purpose of this project is twofold. First, to develop a diagnostic instrument including eye movement based testing. Second, to implement these results in training.
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- Scaffolding self-regulation through peer-tutor guidance: Effects on the acquisition of domain-specific skills and self-regulated learning skills, (Michelle Nugteren)
Learning with the support of a peer-tutor effectively scaffolds a tutee's cognitive skill acquisitionThis project investigates whether using peer-tutoring to teach self-assessment skills and task-selection skills either in pre-training, during SRL, or both, is effective for improving SRL-skills and domain-specific skills in both procedural and conceptual tasks.
- Information Literacy Instruction within Distance Higher Education: achieving long-term transfer (Laurent Testers)
In many parts of the world knowledge and information play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. People are urged to a lifelong learning and, in order to find their way in the ever-growing amount of information and multi-media, have to have an adequate level of information literacy. This research will be implemented within the rapidly growing distance higher adult education and will focus on designing a theory and evidence-based concept for the instruction of information problem solving competencies that will stimulate their transfer to situations outside the educational setting for the benefit of lifelong learning.
Finished projects
- BISON: Begeleiden In Synchroon Online oNderwijs
De virtuele klas, oftewel synchroon online onderwijs, biedt een groot aantal mogelijkheden. In de praktijk worden die echter maar beperkt benut. Meestal blijft het bij directe instructie, terwijl de virtuele klas ook mogelijkheden biedt voor samenwerking en interactie.
Het BISON-project heeft een elektronisch handboek opgesteld voor docenten in het hoger onderwijs. In het handboek staan richtlijnen, instructies en voorbeelden voor het ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en verzorgen van synchroon online onderwijs voor samenwerkend leren.
Financier: ministerie van OCW - stimuleringsregeling Open en online onderwijs
Looptijd: 2019-2021
Onderzoekers: Iwan Wopereis, José Janssens
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Ga naar het e-handboek Online samenwerkend leren
Bekijk de korte samenvatting die Iwan Wopereis gaf tijdens de SURF Onderwijsdagen
- Adaptive Instruction to foster students’ information problem solving skills: learning to organize digital information (Jaap Walhout)
Students often conduct assignments that require searching for information on the internet. However, they lack the according skills. An important aspect of the information-problem solving skill is organizing information. In this project, two different types of organizing information from bookmarks were studied (hierarchical organizers vs. tagging).
The PhD defense took place on 26 October 2018
Jaap Walhout
Title thesis: Learning to organize digital information
Promotor: prof. dr. F.L.J.M. Brand-Gruwel
Daily supervisor: dr. H.M. Jarodzka
See press release (in Dutch): Hoe bewaar je je zoekresultaten van internet?
- The integration of the lifelong learning skill ‘Information problem solving’ into higher education: Effects of different types of feedback and guidance (Jimmy Frerejean)
An excedingly important lifelong learning skill is searching for and finding learning resources needed for competency development and sustenance. The development of this skill allows one to effectively find learning resources needed in later professional life. However, research reveals that both students and adult learners have severe problems finding resources and processing relevant and reliable information. They are easily overwhelmed by tasks that require them to perform domain-specific skills and search for useful information at the same time. This research studies ‘emphasis manipulation’ as an approach to provide students with alternated support on domain-specific skills and information searching skills when learning from realistic tasks. Furthermore special attention is given to the transfer of the learned lifelong learning skill.
The PhD defense took place on 8 December 2017
Jimmy Frèrejean
Title thesis: Instruction for information problem solving
Promotor: prof. dr. F.L.J.M. Brand-Gruwel en prof. dr. P.A. Kirschner
Daily supervisor: dr. J.L.H. van Strien (Universiteit Utrecht)
Read the press release (in Dutch): Maak studenten informatievaardig met modelvoorbeelden en geïntegreerde training
- Development of classroom management skills in teacher training (Charlotte Wolff)
Teacher training covers classroom management, but beginning teachers frequently cite this as a critical challenge for which they feel underprepared. This project aims to improve classroom processing by capturing teachers-in-training conceptualizations of classroom management and using annotated videos. Through training, teachers’ attention is guided towards relevant cues for monitoring and managing classroom situations.
The PhD defense took place on 19 February 2016
Charlotte Wolff
Title thesis: Revisiting 'withitness': differences in teachers' representations, perceptions, and interpretations of classroom management
Promotor: prof. dr. H.P.A. Boshuizen
Daily supervisor: dr. H.M. Jarodzka
Read the press release (in Dutch): Focus op leerproces helpt leerkracht bij effectief klassenmanagement
. - Effectiveness of Blended Learning: Factors Facilitating Effective Behavior in a Blended Learning Environment (Nynke Bos)
The use of educational technology to support face-to-face education continues to be an important priority. Current approaches of blended learning within universities are related to logistics, providing students with additional resources that can be accessed at the student's own pace to preface or complement face-to-face The central research question in this project is: which student characteristics and external conditions when utilizing blended learning could explain the degree of adoption and effectiveness that blended learning has on course performance?
The PhD defense took place on 16 December 2016
Nynke Bos
Title thesis: 'Effectiveness of blended learning: factors facilitating effective behavior in a blended learning environment'
Promotor: prof. dr. F.L.J.M. Brand-Gruwel
Read the press release (in Dutch) : Blended learning wordt niet effectief ingezet.
- Skeptic or conspiracist? Critical thinking when processing attitude-inconsistent information ininformation-rich environments (Johan van Strien)
As anyone can put anything on the internet, it is full of contradictory or even wrong information. Critical thinking is necessary to protect oneself from an increasing amount of misinformation and superstition. This project aims to investigate what constitutes critical thinking in complex, information-rich environments.
The PhD defense took place on 19 December 2014
Johan van Strien
Title thesis: 'Who to trust and what to believe? Effects of prior attitudes and epistemic beliefs on processing and justification of conflicting information from multiple sources'
Promotores: prof. dr. F.J.L.M. Brand-Gruwel en prof. dr. H.P.A. Boshuizen